Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper proposes a new model of continuous traffic flow of unmanned autonomous cars when travelling on a serpentine with curves, taking into accountthe average speed of the cars ahead. The review of existing traffic flow models, in particular, the models of following the leader, such as the optimal speed model, generalised traffic model, model of total velocity difference is carried out. It is noted that these models do not take into account the peculiarities of traffic on serpentines with turns. On the basis of the existing models, a new model of continuous traffic flow has been developed, the principal difference of which is the consideration of the transverse slope of the road (turn) when travelling on a serpentine. The model takes into account the action of forces on the vehicle, including gravity, driving force and centripetal force. The prospects of using the developed model in the conditions of using intelligent transport systems, when the information about the average speed of vehicles moving ahead is transmitted over the network, are shown. Th proposed model allows to take into account the transverse slope of the road on curvilinear serpentine sections when calculating speed modes, to adequately assess the carrying capacity and identify potentially dangerous sections for optimisation of design decisions when creating unmanned transport.

unmanned vehicles, traffic flow modelling, serpentine, curve, serpentine traffic modelling, road, model, road safety
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