Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reviews the limitations of control in centralized automated traffic control systems of subway trains. It demonstrates the dependence of limitations of traffic safety systems and power supply systems on the state of the system. The article provides a time and regulating characteristics, based on which the limitations of control for traffic safety system are calculated by the steady-state and transient mode of the line. The article also shows the necessity of real-time prediction of deviation of the actual duration of the train lay-over at the station from the planned one under the conditions of heavy traffic. There is also the analysis of the control limitations of the energy supply systems considering their dependence on the setting currents of protection rectifier units and DC feeders of traction substations. The article presents effect of these limitations on the choice of train control modes and the energy consumption for train traction. The article also justifies the necessity of taking into account the dependence of limitations on the system conditions within the planning of train traffic.

limitations of control, traffic safety system, state of the system, centralized automated train traffic control systems, energy supply systems, energy efficient management
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