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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the design features of single-blade and double-blade arrows, as well as double-blade arrows with flexible blades, the operating conditions of tram switches when placing tram nodes on the line and on the territory of tram parks. Methods: The analysis of the main operational and economic indicators of switches is carried out, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of various types of arrow designs of the tram industry in St. Petersburg, including those requiring speed limits of tram cars when moving along the arrows. Results: Recommendations have been developed for the use of switches of various designs, depending on their operating conditions, load stress, speed of movement of rolling stock for safe passage along them, placement on the line on a combined, independent or separate track and in tram fleets, taking into account the complexity of replacing worn parts, as well as the need to ensure the required track development in the presence of cramped conditions. The proposed recommendations will allow the use of switches in accordance with modern requirements for tram crossings, which ensure comfortable movement of passengers. Practical importance: Considering the fact that economic indicators, along with the technical characteristics of switch designs and operational capabilities of track sections, are one of the main criteria for evaluating decision-making, it is proposed to use methodology for accounting for economic indicators based on determining the cost of the life cycle to justify the effectiveness of using a particular type of switch in the design and operation of tramways paths in specific conditions.

tramway, switch, track arrow, operating conditions, life cycle cost
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