Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the results of studies on the characteristics of modular weight-based sum codes, where the sequence is formed by a natural series of numbers excluding powers of two. The consideration of the studied characteristics is advisable when developing discrete systems and their diagnostic support. Catalogs of the considered codes obtained using modules M = 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 are provided. The choice of these specific modules is due to the fact that the number of check symbols in the codewords of the considered codes is small, which minimizes structural redundancy when constructing discrete systems and their diagnostic support, resulting in self-checking, controllable, and fault-tolerant structures. Modular weight-based sum codes detect all single errors with the number of data symbols . It is also demonstrated that the considered codes detect no fewer errors than the well-known modular sum codes of single digits (classical modular sum codes). As the module value increases, the gain in the tota number of errors detected by the modular weighted codes compared to classical modular codes significantly increases. Modular weighted codes are more effective at detecting multidirectional errors of even multiplicity in data vectors containing groups of distortions {0→1, 1→0} (symmetric errors) than classical modular sum codes. However, modular weight-based sum codes are less effective in handling asymmetric errors occurring in data vectors. In an experiment with test combinational circuits, it was shown that modular weighted codes with a module M = 4 do not detect more errors occurring at circuit outputs than classical modular codes with this module. Modular weight-based sum codes and a module M = 8 have slightly better characteristics. However, a general recommendation is to use modules that are powers of two starting from M = 16. Increasing the module allows for an increase in the number of detectable errors at the outputs of benchmarks, up to 100 % coverage. Modular weight-based sum codes, with a sequence of weight coefficients forming a natural series of numbers excluding powers of two, can be effectively used in the development of discrete systems and their diagnostic support.

technical diagnostics systems for discrete devices, modular weight-based sum codes, sequence of weight coefficients, natural series excluding powers of two
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