Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents a new principle for forming freight marshalling yard indicators based on the use of data from various reading devices and sensors located on the station tracks (data “from the wheel”). The paper shows the relevance and objectivity of using the proposed approach, implementing the presented principles for obtaining real freight yard indicators. The implementation is presented on the basis of data generated by the system for monitoring and preparing information on the movements of wagons and locomotives at the station in real time. The difference between the results obtained as a result of implementing the proposed approach and the information generated in real certificates and reporting journals of Russian Railways JSC is shown. Hypotheses-descriptions of the difference between information “from the wheel” and information obtained by manual input of data on the movements of cars and locomotives are proposed. The conclusion describes further prospects for automation of calculation and forecasting of station operation based on data “from the wheel”.

marshalling yard, wheel-based yard model, freight transportation planning, yard performance indicators
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