Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes developed by author collective Concept of monitoring of artificial road constructions of St. Petersburg with use of the automated tech- nologies with the subsequent development on its basis of working documentation on the system of the automated monitoring of Alexander Nevsky Bridge. This Concept has been prepared based on the comprehensive and systematic analysis of city transport infrastructure objects. The research of emergence and functioning of automation systems on St. Petersburg constructions is executed as well as their evolutionary development and transformation to the single systems of structural health monitoring. For the first time use of monitors for the park of artificial con- structions is proved. On the basis of detailed inspection of city objects (in total more than 700 units) criteria have been formulated and groups of transport objects which have allowed to allocate about 100 constructions are created, without fail due to be equipped with monitors. The basis for operability of structural health monitoring systems are physical laws and automation algorithms. The main used subsystems, such as stressed-deformed condition control, vibration diagnostics, control of rotation angles and elements inclinations, are given in the text of article with the description of measurements essence. Standard schemes of constructions and their elements with the monitors located on them are also provided.

structural health monitoring, transport infrastructure object, management of techni- cal condition, automation processes, stressed-deformed condition
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