Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper presents conceptual solutions for improving the reliability of the marshaling yards systems. Authors analyzed the marshaling yards system of centralization like a CSAU SP, BGAAC, ARS GTCC. Weak points are consid- ered. Methods are proposed to improve reliability by introducing a continuous monitoring of the infrastructure with the introduction of diagnostic data processing algorithms into the software environment. Researched the method of expanding the diagnostic capabilities of the system centralization of marshalling yard. In this article are presents methods for simplifying the operation for technical personnel servicing the infrastructure of the marshalling yards. The article describes the rationale for integrating information processing algorithms into the software environ- ment to simplify and accelerate the search for failures and reduce the downtime of sorting stations.

marshalling yard, diagnostics, marshalling yard infrastructure, automatics and re- mote control, safety, monitoring, Ubiquitous sensor networks (USN), maintenance, continuous monitoring, fully connected monitoring, all-around monitoring
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