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Abstract (English):
The paper proposes technical decisions and perspectives are discussed con- cerning the complex systems implementation for trains’ dispatching and auto driv- ing within the limits of dispatcher’s control zone. A special attention is paid to problems concerning the systems cooperation and the prognosis importance for train’s time arriving to the stations on its route that system transmits on locomotives being adequate to the changing conditions for trains’ movements. It’s demonstrated that to create the satisfactory trains’ arrival time prognosis is available provided the on time information is receiving concerning the every train’s movement by means of calculations and real trains movements’ simulation. It’s determined the only complex of centralized traffic control and trains’ auto driving within the limits of every dispatcher’s control zone and on time processing of the information by the central device of the railway area is able to create the exact trains’ arrival time prognosis to the area, regions and main stations boundaries.

centralized traffic control, trains auto driving, intellectual trains traffic control system
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