Russian University of Transport (MIIT) ("Automation, Remote Control and Communication on Railway Transport" Department, Professor)
«Scientific Research and Design Institute «Transport and Construction Safety» LLC (General Director Deputy on Scientific Research Work)
Tashkent State Transport University ("Automation and Remote Control" Department, Professor)
Russian Federation
Authors of the article analyze the problem of procuring the traffic safety of rolling stock mobile units and vehicles in points of motor road and railroad intersections in one level (in the level-crossings). This problem is solved neither in Russia nor in foreign countries: a significant number of accidents occur exactly in level-crossings. Any technical solutions currently known consider the solution of the traffic safety problem in level-crossings pointwise, there is no integrated approach and elaborations in this direction. The article proposes to consider a level-crossing as a complex technical system, in which it is necessary to provide technical diagnosis and health monitoring of all railway infrastructure objects and traffic participants to create an integrated system of procuring the traffic safety in level-crossings. The data transfer between infrastructure facilities, rail and road transport should be reciprocal, not one-sided, - this is the concept of fully-connected health monitoring! It is suggested not to «accumulate in the archives» the results of monitoring, but to use them as effectively as possible for a positive impact on the traffic situation: to transmit data both to the on-board systems of traction railway rolling stock and to on-board vehicle systems, including equipping the level-crossings with additional information systems to increase the vigilance of drivers and reduce the impact of the human factor. In addition, the article proposes some technical solutions for the implementation of the concept of fully-connected health monitoring of infrastructure facilities and rolling stock mobile units in the level-crossings.
3.0, level-crossing, infrastructure, health monitoring, railway automation, fully-connected health monitoring, level-crossing 3.0
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