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Abstract (English):
An approach of building control models of transport systems, functioning on a real-time basis was considered. The complexity of building the models in question is determined by the current rift, that is, on the one hand, the necessity of using classical methods of optimization, in order to obtain well-founded data, required for realization of optimal control of railway network facilities, which underwent serious dilapidation, at the same time the methods in question require considerable timing budget for their realization in the process of transport system management. On the other hand, the application of such mathematical methods leads to the lack of data acquisition operability, thus impeding the realization of effective management of transport systems, functioning on a real-time basis. The suggested approach allows one to resolve the above mentioned violation, in the process of building transport systems’ control models, by using the given conceptual principles of control models’ synthesis, which will make it possible to harmonize acquisition operability and suffi ciency of the solution to restore a network of railroads, which underwent serious dilapidation due to a grave emergency situation, and, thus, to realize a principle of system functioning on a real-time basis. In the process of developing the principles of synthesis of organizational systems’ control models, introduced in the article, functioning on a real-time basis, an objective was pursued to make full use of these principles during the formation of transport systems’ control models, functioning on a real-time basis and making it possible to exercise optimal control of ministries and departments formation, including railway troops of the Russian Federation, dispatching a mission of restoring a railway network which underwent serious dilapidation caused by a grave emergency situation. In the process of developing the principles of synthesis of organizational systems’ control models, introduced in the article, functioning on a real-time basis, the tasks of structuring the principles, aimed at supplementing the model with the property of effective data building, used in the process of elaborating the solution to restore a railway network which underwent serious dilapidation caused by a grave emergency situation, were solved as well as system principles of modeling, determining the specifi cities of approaches, which make it possible to implement effective algorithms of mathematical methods application in the modern software environment, currently applied computer aids. The result of elaborating conceptual principles of synthesis of organizational systems’ control models, functioning on a real-time basis, was a complete system of effective and system principles underlying the formation of control models in question. The approach introduced in the article may be of interest for the researchers and design engineers working in the sphere of organizational systems’ modeling, functioning on a real-time basis.

emergency situation, railway network restoring, real-time basis, principles of control models synthesis
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