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Abstract (English):
The article considers the problem of analysis of errors at the operative outputs of concurrent error detection (CED) systems of combinational logic circuits, constructed using the method of calculating the check bits. As the basis of CED systems, built using this method, the separable antijamming codes are used. This article presents an extended classifi cation of errors at the operational outputs of CED systems. It also provides the defi nitions of protective and hazardous errors in the data vectors of code words. The article provides the derivation of the formulas for calculating the number of protective and hazardous errors in data vectors of an arbitrary separable codes, as well as detection indicators of protective and hazardous errors in data vectors. The article gives the examples of code with description of its features for detection of protective and hazardous errors in data vectors.

concurrent error detection system, operative outputs, separable codes, data vectors, errors in data vectors, error classifi cation, protective error, hazardous error, detection of hazardous errors
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