Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Objective: consider the need to accurately determine the total amount of energy that a rolling stock generates during the conversion of mechanical braking energy into electrical energy. To show the need for the formation of measures to increase the volume of useful recovery. Methods: the use of well-known analytical expressions and the results of races obtained during the operation of electric rolling stock of urban electric transport on routes. Results: it is shown that the proposed method for determining the volumes of useful and excess regenerative energy allows us to accurately determine the energy balance in the contact network of urban electric transport. Practical importance: it is shown that the volumes of useful and excess energy recovery largely depend on seasonal changes in power and duration of non-traction load in the contact network and, consequently, on weather conditions during operation on the route. Data on the volumes of useful and excessive recovery create an opportunity for energy services of transport enterprises to develop energy saving measures.
railway track, train-track interaction, dynamic wheel load on the rail, strength calculation of the railway track, equivalent track mass
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