Russian Federation
Objective: consideration of the issue of improving the structure of the automatic control system for an AC traction electric drive with asynchronous electric motors. Abandonment of the physical wheelset speed sensor. An overview of the performance of microprocessor computing devices at the beginning of their appearance in the USSR. An overview of the performance parameters of foreign and domestic microprocessor computing devices both abroad and in Russia. Comparison of the performance of computing devices at the time of their appearance and at the present moment. Methods: collecting information on possible options for improving the structure of the automatic control system for an AC traction electric drive. Collecting information about domestic microprocessor computing devices used at the beginning of their appearance. Collection of information on domestic and foreign microprocessor computing devices used today. Comparison of performance parameters of domestic microprocessor computing devices used at the beginning of their appearance with devices used today. Results: the possibility of analyzing the implementation of a microprocessor control system by a traction electric drive with asynchronous electric motors without using a physical speed sensor using a state observer based on an adaptive Luenberger filter is indicated. Practical importance: it consists in obtaining economic benefits from the elimination of the physical speed sensor of the wheelset as a result of the elimination of production and maintenance costs.
Luenberger filter, speed sensor, control system, microprocessor devices, sensorless drive
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