Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Purpose: To develop an improved model of inter-car coupling equipped with spring-friction absorbing devices of the PMK-110 type. This model should take into account both the features of the power characteristics of absorbing devices of this type and the deformation of the carriage bodies, as well as the energy dissipation of longitudinal forces arising in the train due to the viscous resistance to deformation of the car structure. Methods: Methods of analysis, mathematical and simulation modeling. Results: Based on two existing mathematical models of inter-car couplings with spring-friction absorbing devices, an improved model of inter-car coupling equipped with spring-friction absorbing devices of the PMK-110 type has been developed. It is shown that this model increases the reliability of calculating the values of the longitudinal forces arising in the absorbing devices of the intercar couplings of the train. Practical significance: The proposed model of inter-car coupling can be used in studies of longitudinal vibrations of a train, since it gives more reliable calculation results for all loading modes.
Mathematical model of the train, mathematical model of the absorbing device, inter-car couplings of the train, longitudinal forces in the train, longitudinal train dynamics, absorbing device
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