Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider tramway lifecycle key factors: track applied structures and used therein combinations of rail and foundation types. To show the advantages of sleeper-less tramway structure on the foundation with reinforced concrete slab filled in 2 layers. Separately, to pay attention on the properties and types of tram rails of domestic and imported production, to make assessment of their estimated and actual service life. Methods: Comparison of operational and technical indicators of rails laid in St. Petersburg City, including imported ones. Results: The influence of surface hardness indicator of grooved rails on their service life is determined. The conclusion on increase of inter-repair time of tram tracks at the use of high-hardness rails was obtained based on the analysis of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelektrotrans" statistical materials which is confirmed by the results of service life calculations. Practical significance: Economic feasibility of declared for production EVRAZ LLC rails having hardness high parameters, obtained without thermal hardening, has been determined. The necessity of carrying out the program of experimental operation of new Russian tram rails in St. Petersburg has been accepted. In this program implementation frames, on the basis of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelektrotrans", curves with 20-, 30-meter radius, made from new domestic rails, which have showed 342 HB, 364HB hardness values on rolling surface for different steel grade rails, have been made. Made experimental laying of obtained curves into tram tracks of St. Petersburg City will allow analyzing the results of conducted during operation explorations to form recommendations for the use of EVRAZ LLC tram rails.

Tramway track, hardness, grooved rail, service life, structure
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