The article analyzes the stability of the method of combined marking of digital audio signals. The following are the main characteristics of labelling quality and stability: auditory transparency (inaudible) marker, lossy compression resistance and resistance to stegoanalysis, airway transmission immunity. The article contains quantitative estimates of indicators for the specified characteristics which received analytically from simulations and field experiments. To assess auditory transparency (inaudible) of acoustic artifacts that appear as a result of the use of the marker analytical method is used, which is based on the signal-marker ratio metric. Lossy compression stability is applied to MP3 transformations under different compression modes. Resistance to stegoanalysis is evaluated using a universal method, which uses the ratio of number of units to zeros in the least significant digitized audio signal reference grades. Evaluation of audio immunity over the air audio channel by correct/incorrect rate of marker rectoration based on the results of field experiments which were implemented in laboratory settings.
steganography, digital audio signal, combined labeling, quality and sustainability evaluation, air audio channel, immunity transmission