Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The modern world is actively moving towards digitalization, which requires efficient distribution of video content on a variety of end devices. The problem is that different usage scenarios impose different requirements on security, quality, and latency when transmitting video. The aim of the study is to identify the most suitable protocols for video dispatching in educational and real-world applications using the Rust programming language, known for its security and performance. Protocols such as HTTPS (TCP), BitTorrent, HLS, WebRTC, SRT and DASH have been investigated and analyzed. The results show that HLS and DASH have advantages in adaptive streaming in a changing network environment, while SRT and WebRTC provide low latency and high reliability for applications requiring real-time operation. The practical significance of these findings is confirmed by successful integration into educational systems, which ensures stable work even with a change in workload. Discussion: in the future, it is recommended to explore the combined use of several protocols, such as HLS and SRT, to improve the overall efficiency and reliability of video data transmission, as well as integration with CDN to improve quality and reduce load.
Rust, live streaming, HLS, DASH, SRT, WebRTC, BitTorrent, security, CDN, multimedia systems
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