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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The process of transformation of data management in JSC “Russian Railways”, the main directions of development of the Corporate Data Management System (CSMS), as well as prospects for further improvement of data management in the company are considered. The article uses methods for analyzing the experience of foreign railway companies in the field of data management, analyzing key trends in the development of the digital economy and state policy in the field of data management, as well as analyzing the results of the implementation of CSMS in JSC Russian Railways. The main tasks, structure, processes and technologies of CSMS are presented, as well as the main results of its implementation, including reducing the number of reports and employees involved in their formation. The key aspects of the formation of a culture of working with data in the company are considered, as well as the prospects for the development of CSM, including the expansion of data volume, the development of analytics tools and integration with other systems.

data management, big data, data analytics, digital transformation, CSM, JSC “Russian Railways”
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