Russian Federation
Purpose: to demonstrate the application of the VaR risk analysis methodology when such risks arise. Methods: statistical models based on modeling of economic processes of the enterprise. Results: in accordance with the conducted research, it was revealed that in modern conditions, the economic security threats to food industry enterprises are increasing. It was revealed that the directions of emergence of new threats and problems coincide with the creation of economic security criteria based on modern research economic and statistical tools, one of which is the Value at Risk (VaR) method — value at risk. Modern methods of risk determination were applied, and the author's methodology for adapting these methods to modern conditions for a food enterprise to establish threshold values of economic security criteria was developed. The concept of economic security has been clarified taking into account the modern world realities of the use of both “hard” and “soft” power by global competitors, taking into account the socialist nature of production, characteristic of the object of study, a Chinese meat processing plant in connection with ensuring factors of general well-being of the population, the dense population of the country, achieving sustainable development goals while saving costs, the connection of the security of an individual enterprise with the economic and food security of the entire country. The terminology of economic security has been clarified taking into account the modern world realities of the use of both “hard” and “soft” power by global competitors, taking into account the socialist nature of production, characteristic of the object of study, a Chinese meat processing plant, in connection with ensuring factors of general well-being of the population, the dense population of the country, achieving sustainable development goals while saving costs, the connection of the security of an individual enterprise with the economic and food security of the entire country. Practical importance: the developed methods for increasing economic security, created on the basis of the Value at Risk risk accounting methodology, economi security criteria of the enterprise expand and supplement the information base and statistical data on economic security risk management and threat elimination in conditions of economic uncertainty and destruction of the value of a regional food industry enterprise for breeding stock and meat processing.
economic security, VaR risk analysis methodology, value at risk, economic security criteria, valuation
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