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Abstract (English):
Purpose: analysis of the problem of the development of transport relations between Russia, Mongolia and China. Development of the border regions of the Russian Federation. Development of economic cooperation and strengthening of regional interconnection between Russia, Mongolia and China. Increasing the capacity and modernization of the Ulaanbaatar railroad infrastructure. Reconstruction of small artificial structures. Methods: a review of information from various sources on the construction of the Ulaanbaatar railroad, the current state of the main line, the prospects of development and the need to modernize the infrastructure was carried out. The source materials obtained from the owners of the infrastructure of the Ulan-Bator railroad were analyzed. Results: the article shows the advantages for the development of friendly relations between Russia, Mongolia and China in the case of modernization of the Ulaanbaatar railway. Modern design options of small artificial structures are proposed. Practical importance: the material obtained by the authors allows us to continue practical work on the further development and modernization of the Ulaanbaatar Railway, including potential infrastructure upgrades, improving conditions for passenger and cargo transportation. The practical implementation of solutions for the significant development of the Trans Mongolian Railway will lead to an unconditional improvement in the transport situation of one of the most important international corridors. As a result of attracting investments for the development of the transport system between the Russian Federation, Mongolia and the People's Republic of China, further development of trade, tourism and improvement of this important railway hub is expected, which also provides access to other Central Asian countries, providing opportunities for expanding economic cooperation and social development in the region

transport system, transport infrastructure, Ulaanbaatar railroad, modernization of railway infrastructure, artificial structures
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