Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: in case of emergency and emergency situations along the route, the speed of decision-making by the locomotive crew is a critically important parameter in ensuring the safety of railway transport. The main problem is that in some cases, such as the breakage of the brake line of a freight train due to self-disconnection, young drivers incorrectly interpret the readings of the breakage alarm. Together with some other features of the operation of pneumatic devices for train brakes, it takes a considerable time before making the right decisions. As a result, collisions of rolling stock units may occur. Results: this article presents the results of experimental studies of the operation of truck train brakes in the event of a violation of the integrity of the brake line. The features of the operation of the brake line break alarm and the equalizing part of the crane of the driver of the service No. 394/395 when feeding a leak as a result of a brake line break are considered. Practical significance: as a result of experimental studies of the operation of the braking system of freight trains in case of a brake line breakage, graphs of the dependence of compressed air pressure on time in key elements of the braking system of freight trains were obtained. A graph of the dependence of the pressure in the brake cylinders on the length of the train in the wagons is also obtained.

automatic brakes, emergency braking, freight train, brake line breakage, additional discharge, gas dynamic processes
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