Russian Federation
RUDN University
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: analysis of the possibility of using man-made waste to strengthen and stabilize the soils of road surfaces and the roadbed. The use of man-made waste in soil compositions reinforced with inorganic binders makes it possible to reduce the cost of construction and dispose of man-made waste. Objective: to review the available literature for a comprehensive understanding of the possibility of using man-made waste to strengthen and stabilize the soil. Results: the article discusses the ways of using various types of man-made waste to strengthen soils. The ash and slag wastes of the CHP are the most studied. Agricultural wastes such as coffee husk ash, bagasse ash, and cellulose are also of interest. At the same time, the available research has been carried out in rather narrow areas, there is not enough research in the field of assessing the durability of materials under the influence of various factors (moisture-drying, freezing-thawing, dynamic load from vehicles, accumulation of plastic deformations, etc.), there is not enough research in the field of assessing the impact of materials on the environment. Many studies have noted that some types of waste, such as rice husk ash, blast furnace slag and fly ash, need additional research in terms of increasing strength. Practical significance: this review can help in the creation of methods for strengthening and stabilizing soils that would be effective and durable while minimizing the impact of man-made waste on the environment. Additional research is needed to expand the scope of man-made waste in road construction, depending on the type of soil, the structural layer of the highway and the climatic conditions of the construction area.
soil strengthening, soil stabilization, man-made waste, reinforced soil compositions
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