Russian Federation
Mozhaisky Military Aerospace Academy (Department of Mathematics and Software, Professor)
Russian Federation
Abstract. Automated testing using Selenium was the standard in software development, but with the increasing complexity of applications, there was a need for more advanced tools such as Selenide. The transition to Selenide is considered, the advanced features and convenience of using Selenide for automated testing are emphasized. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the benefits of switching to Selenide for automated browser testing, increase the stability of testing and provide guidance for migration. Methods and tools. These include setting up the testing environment, porting test scenarios, optimizing and refactoring tests. Selenide features such as automatic waiting, compressed syntax, and improved error handling are used. Examples and configurations of a number of tools are given: Maven, Gradle and Allure. The study reflects the process of switching to Selenide, demonstrating improvements in the stability and readability of texts. Examples of test scenarios optimized to increase productivity and ease of maintenance are given. Practica significance. It is to increase the effectiveness of tests. The complex migration process is considered, the stages of setup, scenario migration and optimization, as well as problems during the transition, and solutions are described. Further research should be directed to optimizing Selenide performance in large-scale applications and exploring additional features.
automated testing, Selenium, Selenide, optimization of test, Allure reports
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