Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: consider the issue of increasing the reliability of electric locomotive traction motors, which depends on various factors. This article examines the factor of the impact of climate conditions on the operation of a locomotive. All attention is paid to the relevance of research into methods for drying the insulation of traction motors at the present time. It has been proven over many years of work that the most vulnerable part of the engine is insulation. All methods that are aimed at solving the assigned problems are listed. The article describes the principle of operation and technology of processes in each of these methods. From the proposed methods, efficiency indicators are derived from the perspective of technical and economic results, and some of their advantages and disadvantages are also noted. The article is based on a comparison of various methods that are aimed at solving current problems associated with increasing the reliability of traction rolling stock. Statistics on traction motor failures over the past three years are presented, and the reasons for moisture in the insulation of electric locomotive power equipment are described. The main methods and methods for drying moistened insulation used in VSZhD locomotive depots are listed, and the characteristics of each method are given. Methods: the method of statistical data and analytical review of the current state of the process of drying the insulation of traction rolling stock was applied. Results: the article lists the studies, experiments and results that evaluate the existing methods and methods of insulation drying processes on rolling stock. An updated method of three-cycle drying of moistened insulation of electrical machines has been developed, which is based on the use of electric heating units and provides for oscillatory energy supply. The task has been set to solve the optimal methods for removing moisture from the insulation of traction motors of electric locomotives based on the use of the convective method. Practical importance: based on the conducted research, the possibility of using the proposed three-cycle method for drying moistened insulation of electrical machines has been confirmed, which allows reducing energy costs for repairs and the time of the insulation drying process.

resource-saving control, electric heating unit, drying process, repair quality, traction motors, cloud storage
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