Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: assessment of damage caused by pollutants from vehicle exhaust gases during highway construction. The roadbed is one of the most important elements of a highway structure, presented in the form of a mass of soil and receiving static and dynamic loads from vehicles. The increasing intensity of road transport has a negative impact on the environment. The main causes of environmental damage are overloads at intersections, and their effects are delayed in time. For example, when a city highway is laid through an uninhabited area, the damage incurred is less than when the highway passes through densely populated residential areas and is adjacent to urban areas. Poor traffic management leads to environmental damage. The volume of emissions of harmful substances is determined by the mileage of vehicles, depends on various factors and is related to the total fuel consumption. An urgent task is to supplement the Methodological Recommendations for the selection of rational roadbed structures and their feasibility study with an indicator that takes into account environmental pollution, including greenhouse gas emis such as this is required in accordance with [1]. Methods: Taking as a basis the existing methodological recommendations for the selection of rational subgrade structures on weak foundations and their feasibility study [2], calculations were made on the basis of which it is possible to draw a conclusion about the amount of exhaust gases emitted by reducing the flow rate during activities for the reconstruction of the highway. The main concept underlying the methodological document is the optimization of design solutions based on their comprehensive technical and economic assessment, carried out in terms of capital and operating costs, significant socio-economic effects and the duration of the construction period. Results: a feasibility study and a technical and economic comparison of design solutions for the reconstruction of the highway were carried out in terms of widening the roadbed built on soft soils. Practical significance: Calculations are included in the basis of practical recommendations for the use of design solutions for the construction of roadbeds on soft soils, which gives a clear idea of the technical and economic feasibility oftheir use in various operating conditions.
highway, roadbed, feasibility study, pollutant, reconstruction, capital costs, operating costs
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