Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: this work is devoted to the study of the features in space-planning solutions for stationary circus buildings and to determine the development of circus architecture. In recent years, with the appearance of new technologies, the requirements for space-planning and technical solutions of circus buildings have undergone significant changes. It is very important to preserve the traditions of circus art and, at the same time, for expansion of the circus performances are necessary modifications and transformations of the buildings. Methods: have been made a comprehensive analysis of existing circus buildings in Europe, Asia and Russia. The research is based on the analysis of professional literature and scientific articles. Results: has been revealed patterns and main features in construction of multifunctional entertainment buildings with elements of circus and various show performances (on ice, on water, in the air). Technical innovations applied in modern representations, such as removable playpens, the use of virtual reality and modern technical balancing systems, dictate new approaches to the organization of space. In Europe, animal performances are a thing of the past. In Russia and Asia, animals remain an essential part of the circus show, meanwhile control over their living conditions is becoming more strict. Based on the study of the already built circus facilities were determined the prospects for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing buildings. Practical significance: the results allow us to identify the main trends in the space-planning solutions of stationary circus buildings. This research will be useful for architects, designers and other specialists who are engaged in the design and reconstruction of circuses. The results of this research can be used to create modern and functional circus buildings that will meet the expectations of the audience and provide comfortable conditions for the artists.

circus, stationary circus, circus buildings, tent, multifunctional buildings, arena, interchangeable arenas, menagerie
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