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Abstract (English):
Objective: to study the change of passenger and freight traffic on the Oktyabrskaya Railway “main route — the way around” and to show the need to continue research, taking into account the construction in 2028 high-speed railway Moscow — St. Petersburg (HSR). Methods: analysis of published research results, study of the main regulatory documents, reports and other sources taking into account the reflection of the key tasks of the development of railway transport, including the HSR network, according to the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast until 2035. Results: it was found that after switching cargo traffic from the main route to the way around in Russia, tariffs and the delivery time of goods by rail have increased. With the growth of the total volume of container traffic towards the ports of the North-West, the goods are transported by road. There is a strong competition between Sapsan trains and air transport in the fight for passengers on the Moscow — St. Petersburg route. The upgraded railway track for the Sapsan speed service is operating at the capacity limit. This confirms the relevance of the construction of HSR in this route and makes it important of research of passenger and freight traffic on the Oktyabrskaya Railway “main route — the way around”. Practical importance: the use of research results will increase the competitiveness of railways in comparison with auto and airtransport in the Oktyabrskaya Railway “main route — the way around”.

main route of Oktyabrskaya Railway, Moscow - St. Petersburg, passenger traffic, Sapsan, cargo traffic, high-speed railway, HSR
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