Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: the article analyzes the signs of competitive advantage of the changes being introduced in the company, based on the characteristic features of different generations and their need to participate in changes. The increased value of attracting young people, increasing involvement in participation in the life of a team, company, and country is becoming one of the highest priority tasks of the state everywhere. Modifications of compliance with the level of competencies and capabilities of newly hired employees from among young professionals have been revised and combinations of implementation of change management have been proposed, based on optimal conditions and the required result. Methods: the work uses methods at the empirical and theoretical level: synthesis, collection and analysis of information, observation, comparison, etc. Results: practical examples of target models of the sequence of decisionmaking when introducing structural changes that meet the expectations of process participants are given. The influence of external and internal factors of the company's development is taken into account and shown. The assessment of the competitive advantage of generations of youth and their influence on changes has been studied. Practical significance: the work examines the advantages of introducing changes, taking into account the assessment of generations of youth, which will allow directing efforts towards the formation of a new high-quality corporate culture.

strategy, youth, personnel, theory of generations, company development, target model, external factors, internal factors
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