Russian University of Transport (MIIT) ("Automation, Remote Control and Communication on Railway Transport" Department, Professor)
«Scientific Research and Design Institute «Transport and Construction Safety» LLC (General Director Deputy on Scientific Research Work)
Tashkent State Transport University ("Automation and Remote Control" Department, Professor)
Russian Federation
The fundamental issue in the problem of digital systems of automatic and automated control formation is the choice of architecture and diagnostic support. Often this choice is associated with tracking of the characteristics of sum faulttolerant codes. In this article the set of codes with summation of one-bits, including classical parity codes, Berger codes, Bose-Lin codes and other modular codes, as well as modifi ed sum codes, constructed using the calculation of the least nonnegative residue of data vector’s weight and special correction coeffi cients, are analyzed. The classifi cation of codes with summation of one-bits is offered, basic characteristics of known sum codes are indicated. The characteristics of modifi ed codes with summation of one-bits with random modules of calculation are investigated in detail. Basic limitations on the set of errors of various types (unidirectionally, symmetrical and asymmetrical) and multiplicities, detected by modifi ed sum codes, are noted. Basic patterns of error’s distribution by types and multiplicities are indicated in considered class of sum codes. The capacity of the set of modifi ed fault-tolerant codes with summation of one-bits with random modules of calculation is determined.
diskretnaya sistema, tehnicheskaya diagnostika, kod s summirovaniem, kod Bergera, modul'nyy kod s summirovaniem, modificirovannyy kod s summirovaniem, naimen'shiy neotricatel'- nyy vychet, harakteristiki obnaruzheniya oshibok
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