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Abstract (English):
These issues were observed in the article structural organization of the controlling automatа of (CA) railway systems. There is given a mathematical model of the Moore automatа. There presented the original structure of CA of a new type, called Mukhopad automatа, which are characterized by small costs of implementation of combinational schemes due to the input of the multiplexer and combinative addressing scheme for the selection of one logical conditions out of the entire variety for each period of work of the CA. There is a comparative evaluation of the complexity of the combinational scheme of transitions for the CA of Moore and the CA of Mukhopad at the implementation at ROM and PLA. There given a new organization of CA of Moore with a unitary encoding of the states with preliminary conversion of the controlling algorithm due to the introduction of empty operators separating logical conditions. It is shown that in the new structure of СA of Moore the complexity of the combinational circuit is signifi cantly reduced by using only double-enter logical elements «I», the number of which is only twice as more logical conditions. There given a systematic analysis of all types of CA and it is concluded that the effect of reducing the cost of the combinative scheme is achieved by the input of an address subsystem, which was absent in CA of Moore.

zheleznodorozhnaya avtomatika, upravlyayuschie avtomaty, algoritm, kombinacionnaya shema, strukturnaya organizaciya avtomatov
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