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Abstract (English):
Summation codes with a small number of bits in control vectors are often applied in organizing technical diagnostics systems of logical units. A code with summation of a small number of bits in control vectors is one of the most promising codes, the building principles of which are based on the usage of a specific correction coefficient in the form of modulo two sum of preinstalled bits of a data vector and calculation of the least non-negative residue of data vector’s weight modulo M=2^(]log2(m+1)[-1) modified codes with summation of unit bits and deals with the influence of rules for calculation of a correction coefficient selection on such important properties as error detection at the outputs of check circuits as well as structural redundancy of diagnostics systems. The characteristics of modified codes with summation of unit data bits (modified Berger codes) were analyzed in a checking combinational circuits’ experiment. It was shown that the selection of a correction coefficient calculation method in the process of building a modified Berger code is of fundamental importance and determines diagnostics systems differing in characteristics (both the complexity of technical realization and error detection at the outputs of check circuits). In order to make a valid choice of a modified code with summation of unit bits, algorithms were developed which make it possible to maximize the error detection index and minimize the diagnostics system technical realization index.

diagnostics system, Berger code, modified code with summation of unit bits, error detection at the outputs of circuits, diagnostics system area, sistema diagnostirovaniya, kod Bergera, modificirovannyy kod s summirovaniem edinichnyh razryadov, obnaruzhenie oshibok na vyhodah shem, ploschad' sistemy diagnostirovaniya
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