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Abstract (English):
Summation codes or Berger codes are often applied in the tasks of technical diagnostics. However, the codes in question detect quite a few errors in data vectors, and a relatively high redundancy is injected in a unit under test or checkout equipment. In order to improve the properties of error detection in data vectors of summation codes, the modifi cation of rules for determination of values of check vectors’ bits was applied. Modifi ed Berger codes, the building rules of which were described in the given study, detect twice as more errors in data vectors, compared to classical Berger codes. The development of a formula for calculating the number of undetected errors in data vectors of modifi ed Berger codes was originally given in the article, which makes it possible to validate some properties of modifi ed Berger codes of error detection in data vectors.

technical diagnostics, Berger code, modified Berger code, undetected error, data vector, formula for calculating the amount of undetected errors
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