Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article was considered the problem of the capacity of the Moscow subway, especially the problem of tne station “Kievskaya” the Ring and the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya lines. In the article were adducted possible variants of solution this problem. As one as possible solution was approved concept of the mathematical modelling. In the article was made a comparative analysis of the modelling tools and simulation methods of the traffic flows. In the article was produced the concept of the intelligent transport streams. In the article was used the theory of the transport processes V. V. Doenina for modelling intelligent transport streams. In the article were produced special features of modelling passenger flows in metro. Also was considered software package 3ds MAX (capabilities, basic animation, management tools) and each step of modeling in this package. In the article was modelling step by step simulation of the metro station “Kievskaya” the Ring and Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya lines.

intelligent traffic flows, transport processes, 3-D modeling, simulation of passenger traffic in the subway, 3ds MAX, simulation models, mathematic simulation
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