Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A method for optimizing the frequency of precautionary replacements of railway automation and remote control equipment based on the economic criterion - the minimum of specific operating costs - and the reliability criterion - the permissible value of the failure rate, is presented. The depth of restoration of reliability after repair of equipment is proposed to be estimated as the difference between the pre-repair and overhaul life. Possible strategies and corresponding mathematical models for optimizing the technical content of the equipment are considered based on the criterion of the minimum specific operating costs. The method of obtaining cost indicators and distribution of the operating time of the equipment for failure is described. Expressions are given for determining the values of the frequency of precautionary substitutions by economic and reliability criteria. As a result of the research, curves of the dependences of the optimal values of the periodicity of substitutions on the cost were obtained for different values of the depth of restoration of the equipment reliability. A boundary curve is presented for the dependence of the cost of replacing the repaired and new equipment on the depth of restoration of reliability. It is established that the task of determining the periodicity of precautionary changes in the equipment of railway automation and remote control according to the criterion of the minimum specific operating costs and by the criterion of the permissible value of the failure rate is solved analytically.

replacement, repair, periodicity, unit costs, optimization, failure rate
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