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Abstract (English):
The history of railway automation and remote control certification began in the 90’s of the last century. It was a time, when microelectronic and programable automation and remote control devices started to be implemented, and its required level of safety was not obvious, so the confirmation of its conformance to the given safety requirements was mandatory. Certification of railway automation and remote control was defined as one of the main methods to assessment of conformity, and its legal framework was USSR Law «On railway transport» (1991) and Russian Federation Law «On products and services certification» (1993). At the beginning, certification was carried out on voluntary basis of assessment of conformity, and at the department of automation and remote control PGU PS the Certification body for equipment of railway automation and remote control (OS AT PSTU) was founded, that also carried out this kind of activity. The start for mandatory certification was marked by the Russian Federation Law «On federal railway transport» (1995), which stated, that technical equipment and mechanisms, provided for railway transport, are subject to mandatory certification. For implementation of this Law in 1997 the Ministry of transportation of the Russian Federation installed the Certification Register for federal railway transport, within which the mandatory certification carried out for conformity of developed Safety standards. Established conventional approach for assessment of conformity to the safety requirements for railway automation and remote control in form of certification has been changed after approving in 2011 the Technical regulations of the Customs Union for railway transport safety. This article is dedicated to the analysis of the features of assessment of conformity for railway automation and remote control, appeared after implementation of indicated Technical regulations. The article also examines other possible forms of conformity assessment, different from established practices, meeting requirements of Technical regulations. It gives examples of different devices and systems of railway automation and remote control, that are subject to various forms of conformity assessment. The article analyses distinctive features and conformity marks, that are typical for each form of conformity assessment, as well as amendments of organizational structure, that apply to companies, that are authorised for activity for assessment of conformity to the requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union.

railway automation and remote control, Technical regulations of the Customs Union, conformity assessment, mandatory and voluntary certification, certification of conformance, marks for conformity certification
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