Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Destruction of the station devices of railway automation and remote control can be the result of the variety of reasons, such as: floods, avalanches and land-slides, different mancaused emergencies, and also terrorist attacks and warfighting. The result of these destructions is the functional failure of railway main line, forced interruption of the train traffic, and thereby disruption of train traffic. This interruption can go on from several hours up to few days. The article examines the problems of optimum calculating of the trackside assets of railway automation and remote control required for early recovery of the train traffic control at the station meeting all safety considerations for train traffic. Recovery of station interlocking system is supposed to be done using transportable modules UVK-SchCh-TM, made on the box-body bases of containers with permanent and variable volume, shipped to the destroyed station, as they provide the highest speed of interrupted train traffic recovery. For full recovery of the train traffic organisation at the station, using electric interlocking, it is necessary to calculate: the required number of electric switch mechanisms for train traffic control recovery at the station; required number of station facilities for sections free-state control; the number of trackside signal devices. In the capacity of control devices for track, switch sections and sections without switches it is offered to use train axle counting devices. In the capacity of signalling devices - the simplified traffic lights, with decreased meanings and using of LED systems, and the possibility of using the RGB-diodes for arrangement of two-signal indications in one signal head of the light. The key input data for calculation of all trackside assets is the number of recovered tracks at the destroyed station.

vosstanovlenie regulirovaniya dvizheniya poezdov, propusknaya i provoznaya sposobnost', sistema vosstanovleniya ustroystv SCB, unificirovannyy vosstanovitel'nyy kompleks, transportabel'nyy modul', blok-konteyner, elektricheskaya centralizaciya, napol'nye stancionnye ustroystva ZhAT, stancionnyy napol'nyy vosstanovitel'nyy komplekt SCB
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4. Stancionnye sistemy avtomatiki i telemehaniki : uchebnik dlya vuzov zh.-d. transporta / Vl. V. Sapozhnikov, B. N. Elkin, I. M. Kokurin, L. F. Kondratenko, V. A. Kononov ; pod red. Vl. V. Sapozhnikova. - M. : Transport, 1997. - 432 s.

5. Sapozhnikov Val. V. Primenenie kodov s summirovaniem pri sinteze sistem zheleznodorozhnoy avtomatiki i telemehaniki na programmiruemyh logicheskih integral'nyh shemah / Val. V. Sapozhnikov, Vl. V. Sapozhnikov, D. V. Efanov // Avtomatika na transporte. - 2015. - T. 1. - № 1. - S. 84-107.

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12. Avtomatika i telemehanika na zheleznodorozhnom transporte : ucheb. posobie / Val. V. Sapozhnikov, A. A. Lykov, V. P. Molodcov ; pod. red. Val. V. Sapozhnikova. - M. : FBGOU «Uchebno-metodicheskiy centr po obrazovaniyu na zheleznodorozhnom transporte», 2011. - 288 s.

13. Nauchno-proizvodstvennyy centr «Promelektronika». Oficial'nyy sayt [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:

14. Ekspluatacionnye osnovy avtomatiki i telemehaniki : uchebnik dlya vuzov zh.-d. transporta / Vl. V. Sapozhnikov, I. M. Kokurin, V. A. Kononov, A. A. Ly- kov, A. B. Nikitin ; pod red. prof. Vl. V. Sapozhnikova. - M. : Marshrut, 2006. - 247 s.

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