The article determines the features of vessel turn under the storm conditions. Thus the influence of the wave parameters on the vessel evolutions is determined also. As an example linear mathematical model of the movement of surfaced vessel was examined. The paper also determines frequency parameters of the vessel regarding trim and list. It provides the range of disturbing moment for pitch and roll, as well as the inertial component range of diffracting part of disturbing moment for roll. The article gives the dependencies of components of reduced disturbing moment on the wave impact angle and conclusions about the resonance of pitch and roll. It was established, that its is necessary to check the stability of the vessel under new parameters of movement and that listing doesn’t exceed maximum allowable limit with this new course should be determined for realisation of predetermined manoeuvre. The article demonstrates that to solve the first problem it is necessary, first of all, to determine the area of stability, and then, knowing it, to estimate the belonging of the vector of variables to this area. If this vector belongs to the are, and at that the maximum list angle is within the allowable limits, so this manoeuvre is possible, otherwise it’s dangerous.
amplitude, disturbing moment, wave disturbance, motion, trim difference, inertial component, listing, vessel, manoeuvring, mathematical model, sea, parameters, turn, frequency characteristics, storm conditions, wave impact angle
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