Russian University of Transport (MIIT) ("Automation, Remote Control and Communication on Railway Transport" Department, Professor)
«Scientific Research and Design Institute «Transport and Construction Safety» LLC (General Director Deputy on Scientific Research Work)
Tashkent State Transport University ("Automation and Remote Control" Department, Professor)
Russian Federation
The article describes a method for sum code formation with a minimum total number of undetectable errors (optimum code), based on the idea of modifi cation of the code with weighted transition summation between the bits, adjacent in data vector. The proposed sum code can be assigned to the class of modular codes with weighted transitions summation. It has the same number of check bits as a classic Berger code, however, it also has the improved performance of error detection in data vectors, especially in a low multiplicity of errors. The article states the properties of a new sum code, particularly important is that when data vec-tors have m≠2t (t = 1, 2, …) length the optimum code can be built. When m=2t (t = 1, 2, …), however, the codes are close to optimum. The article explains this feature of a modu-lar code with weighted transitions. Moreover, the experiment with reference LGSynth`89 com-binational circuits shows that modular code with weighted transitions allows to organize concurrent error detection (CED) systems with improved detection of errors in comparison with structures, based on Berger codes. In some cases, the problem of detection of 100 % of errors at the outputs of combinational circuits under control might be solved. All that makes the resulting code a promising for solving the problems of technical diagnostics.
technical diagnostics, concurrent error detection (CED) system, sum code, Berger code, weighted transition, code with summation of weighted transitions, undetectable error in data vector, error detection properties, optimum code
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