Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article covers the solution of the problem of building a fault-tolerant and trustworthy microprocessor systems of railway automation and remote control using diversity axiomatic bases. As a system under the study the microprocessor device, performing the calculation of rolling stock axes, are used. Based on the simulation tests the qualitative comparison of fault tolerance and trustworthy of such systems with and without considered diversity are carried out. The article presents an example of sequential increasing of diversity, according axiomatic-based approach. The considered steps are: separation of memory and registers, separation of addresses, separation of sets of commands of the microprocessor and the pro-tection of the software counter. It is also presents the formalization of conditions of diversity and the general cause failure protection, based on this. The example shows that diversity of axiomatic bases and self-testing of a common base solved the problem of dangerous failure detection. In this case the diversity solves the problem of detection of dangerous failures of diversity bases, and self-testing detects a maskable failures. It is also experimentally determined, that breakdown of a common base results in a general cause failures, and thus its mandatory control is justifi ed. It was found, that application of this approach accelerates the development for rising the software diversity. It was revealed, that during the design and development of diversity, it is possible to create diversity high-level abstractions, that allows to select the level of diversity abstraction. The article covers the particularities of widespread application of this approach for development and verifi cation of trustworthy and fault-tolerant systems.

fault tolerance, safety proof, diversity, formal methods, critical systems of data infrastructure, failure detection
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