Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides the results of development, using the set theory, of a method of management of the modernization process of railway automation and remote control systems at railway operation domain. A particularity of the modernization research in question is that its performance does not increase the transportation production, but is intended to improve the certain indicators of quality and/or to reduce the costs of system operation. The proposed method provides the possibility to maximize the total effect of train operation and the technical operation of the system under modernization, when trains with different weights, speeds and the volume of traffi c at different lines of railway operation domain, and when material and human resources are limited. To develop a method the least limited mathematical structures were used. In the practical use of the method it is necessary to provide the strict semantical correspondence between the objects in operation and physical processes, a clear interpretation of all the terms introduced and a semantic speci fi cation of the types of material and labour resources, required to perform the work, and as the result - improved indicators of the quality of transportation process and/or maintenance and repair system.

complexes of railway automation and remote control systems, management, modernization, quality indicators, the types of material and labour resources, finit e sets and subsets, representation, types of work, Boolean, tuples, indicators, limitations, efficiency function
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