Russian University of Transport (MIIT) ("Automation, Remote Control and Communication on Railway Transport" Department, Professor)
«Scientific Research and Design Institute «Transport and Construction Safety» LLC (General Director Deputy on Scientific Research Work)
Tashkent State Transport University ("Automation and Remote Control" Department, Professor)
Russian Federation
For design of modern railway automation and remote control systems increasingly the microelectronics and microprocessor techniques are used, including field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA). This article describes an approach to the development of fault-tolerant automation systems with built-in concurrent error detection means. Concurrent error detection system is proposed to be formed on the basis codes with summation of on-bits. The article describes the characteristics of on-bit sum codes for detection of different types of errors at the outputs of the arithmetic logic units of FPGA.
railway automation and remote control, reliability, safety, concurrent error detection (CED) system, sum codes, Berger code, modifi ed Berger code, data bits, undetectable error
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