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Abstract (English):
Purpose: to consider the process of changing the calculation of taxation in Russia in recent years, its procedure and the consequences of changing the calculation of real estate tax. To show the need to change the introduced progressive scale of property tax for owners of residential facilities. To assess the possibility of changing the methods of calculating the base for taxation of individuals. Methods: analysis of the chronology of the establishment of taxes in the Russian Federation and the transition of recalculation of land tax in time. Comparison of tax calculation by inventory and cadastral values, property taxes in the Russian Federation. Results: the main reasons preventing the formation of an objective base for property taxation are identified: the insufficiency and unreliability of the information used, including at the initial stage of applying mass valuation of property as initial data and the imperfection of the developed methodology of cadastral valuation. Practical significance: historically, with the formation of states, a fiscal system was introduced. Taxation of real estate in modern Russia is regulated by a set of regulatory documents. Among the basic concepts of the field of taxation, the concept of the real estate tax base should be highlighted – the monetary expression of income from the sale of an immovable object. Thus, in recent years, changes have been made in the definition of the real estate tax base, which has a key impact on the formation of both the value and valuation of real estate and the formation of the fiscal policy itself in Russia. This article examines the process of changing the calculation of taxation in Russia in recent years, its procedure and the consequences of changing the calculation of real estate tax.

State cadastral registration of real estate, unified state register of real estate, real estate valuation, inventory of real estate, taxation of real estate.
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