Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Target: in the article, the authors reveal new approaches to managing logistics supply chains within the framework of the sixth technological order: the main structural elements of a modern infrastructure for managing logistics flows are presented, including a production complex equipped with industrial specialized 3D printers; warehouse complex in regions close to sources of raw materials and to regions of the largest volumes of orders; infrastructure of logistics regional distribution systems, including the transport component within all types of transport, including unmanned vehicles. Methods: the author’s view on management objects, supply flow management models within the framework of the formation of a new interregional spatial infrastructure is proposed; identified features of supply chain management within the framework of adding elements of remote and virtual reality technologies; the author’s approach to the interpretation of the concept of “supply chain management” is formulated within the framework of the formation of an expanded data system and ordered space with the aim of organizing interregional warehouses with the possibility of duplicating them in the region where the order is placed. Results: the authors have developed an algorithm for the functioning of a flow management model within the framework of a logistics system platform and a new spatial infrastructure using industrial specialized 3D printers under the control of artificial intelligence technologies, which make it possible to reproduce the necessary goods in the region where the order is made. Practical significance: in addition, the article reveals the principles of implementing the process of managing logistics flows; approaches to the classification of distribution types from the location of sources of raw materials within the processes of production of goods and intangible delivery of goods to the location of consumers are proposed; The prospects for the development of global supply chains are discussed using the example of a specific macroregion — Uzbekistan.

logistics supply chain management, remote and virtual reality, spatial infrastructure
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