Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: this article is devoted to the problem of regulation of fuel resources for train traction in the presence of variable factors affecting consumption. As an example, the wind-dependent section of the Privolzhskaya railway Pallasovka–Verkhniy Baskunchak was considered, using simulation modeling, the presence of the influence of variable factors on fuel consumption, which are often standard-setting. To propose a methodology for their practical accounting in locomotive depots. Methods: the article proposes a train simulation model to take into account the influence of wind loads. For this purpose, the traction electric drive of a diesel locomotive with direct-alternating current transmission was presented as a speed controller that maintains the movement of the train at a constant speed equal to the technical average. To determine fuel consumption in order to determine the reliability of the results obtained and the possibility of comparison with experimental statistical values, the electromechanical characteristics of the ED133 traction motor, the GS501 generator and the operational characteristics of the D49 diesel engine were used. Results: as a result of modeling the operation of the diesel locomotive power plant, the values of absolute and specific fuel consumption were obtained. The results obtained have a high degree of reliability, as evidenced by earlier statistical data. Practical significance: the results obtained once again demonstrated the influence of wind on train traction, and on wind-dependent sections of railways they are standard-forming. The considered model can be applied for the purpose of rationing the consumption of fuel and energy resources in the presence of variable factors affecting consumption.

train simulation model, wind Loads, train traction, diesel-electric locomotive, energy efficiency
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