Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the possibility of automatic determination of the spark gap condition. Methods: The article analyzes devices and methods of automatic control of the spark gap condition. It also presents their features and disadvantages, based on which conclusions are made concerning the convenience of operation in production, the quality of the spark gap condition monitoring, the possibility of using the system in automatic control systems. Results: A new modernization of spark gaps is proposed, which will allow not only to organize automatic monitoring of their condition, but also to introduce automatic monitoring of spark gaps condition into the system of railway infrastructure monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles, which is currently the subject of special attention from the holding company JSC “Russian Railways”. The justifications for choosing this particaular new modernization include minimal capital investments, while maintaining the necessary and sufficient efficiency of spark gap monitoring. Also, there is the possibility of integration into the existing monitoring system with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Practical significance: The possibility of automatic determination of the spark gap condition is shown, which corresponds to the priority direction of digitalization of railway transport and railway infrastructure of the holding company JSC “Russian Railways”, specified in the holding company’s development strategies up to 2030 and in the perspective up to 2035.

Spark gap, automatic control, sparkover, unmanned aerial vehicles, digital railroad
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