Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Justification of choosing the factors influencing the formation of dynamic load on the railway track by modern rolling stock during high-speed and very high-speed operations. To achieve this goal, theoretical groundwork and experimental research have been conducted. As a result of the work, a methodology has been developed for determining the vertical calculated force exerted by the wheel on the rail. Methods: High-speed and very high-speed trains, due to their fundamental design and significant increase in speed, necessitate a reconsideration of methods for calculating the impact of rolling stock on the railway track. This includes the analysis of relationships between root-mean-square deviations of various dynamic forces and the assessment of the influence of different factors at different speeds of operation. Results: As part of the study, experimental measurements have been conducted to examine changes in dynamic load. As a result, dependencies between the average and calculated vertical forces and the speed of operation for modern passenger trains have been obtained. By using factorial analysis of variance, numerical characteristics of the influence of various factors on the value of the vertical force exerted by the wheel on the rail have been obtained. Additionally, the degrees of influence of different factors on the formation of this force have been determined.

Track strength calculation, track superstructure, high-speed operation, track stress, dynamic force, dynamic inequality
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