Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To find out features of operation of precast reinforced concrete culverts in the embedding soil bulk of the two-track embankment with account of interaction of precast culvert structures and soil for the case of oppositely directed towards the first and second tracks combination of horizontal components of train loads at opposite transit of trains in the ulvert area; to propose on selection of methods of reinforcement of culvert structures with account of conditions of their operation in the two-track subgrade. Methods: The analysis and use of analytical and expemental research methods for evaluating operation of culverts in the body of the subgrade including two-track setions of railway. Analytical comparison of research results and data of instrumental observations. Results: There have beendentified the features of interaction of the body of the precast culvert with the body of the two-track embankment at oppositely directed horizontal components of the train load, there has been analyzed the nature of distribution of stress-strain state of the embedding soil bulk of the two-track subgrade along the culvert body. There has been demostrated a negative influence of the combination of oppositely directed towards the first and second tracks combination of horizontal components of train loads at opposite transit of trains on the body of the precast culvert in the embankment of two-track sections. Practical significance: The obtained results concerning the stress-strain behavior of the embedding soil bulk and distribution of forces along the culvert body at combination of oppositely directed horizontal actions at the two-track subgrade allowed identifying the nature of their joint operation and, based on it, proposing on selection of methods of reinforcement of culvert structures with account of conditions of their operation in the subgrade of two-track parts of railways.

Precast culvert, two-track subgrade, train load, horizontal component of load, active/passive pressures, methods of reinforcement of structures
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