Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: to study the subjective assessment of interpersonal relationships, loneliness experiences and temperament characteristics among students of a transport university. The object of empirical research were: boys and girls aged from 17 to 22 years, 56 people, of which 25 girls and 31 boys of PGUPS. Methods. Analytical-theoretical, testing. The analysis of the results was carried out using mathematical and statistical data processing using the criteria of difference (Student's t-test), correlation analysis (Pearson correlation criterion). Methods: Subjective assessment of interpersonal relationships, S. V. Dukhnovsky, questionnaire of loneliness experiences in adaptation by E. A. Manakova, personality questionnaire by G. Aizenka. Results: It is proved that the indicators of all respondents are at an average level, which characterizes modern students as people with a moderate degree of intensity of tension, alienation, conflict in relationships, not vividly experiencing all types of loneliness. Gender differences were obtained: the results of the girls were significantly higher on the scales of "Neuroticism", "Tension", "Experiencing loneliness as a negative feeling", which characterizes the female sample as more vulnerable from the point of view of stress resistance. Young men tend to experience most of the types of loneliness with an increase in the desire to distance themselves from other people, lack of trust. At the same time, all the studied students are characterized by the development of negative interpersonal manifestations with increasing feelings of loneliness in relationships. Practical significance: The results of this study can be used in the framework of educational and correctional-developmental work at the university, as well as as the basis of programs aimed at the development of self-regulation, especially in a group of girls and communicative trainings for young men, which in the future will help future specialists in the field of transport to become successful professionals.

Interpersonal relationships, loneliness, students, temperament, alienation, neuroticism, girls, boys
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