Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To present an integrated methodology that will model the entire environment, from the source of vibration to the re-radiated noise within buildings. Conduct a brief parametric analysis to show the potential of this approach in evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation measures for vibration and re-radiated noise. Methods: Estimate sound pressure levels generated in residential compartments as a result of train travel; analyze the coupled train-trail-ground-construction system; solve the acoustic part of the problem. Results: A numerical model based on the substructuring approach is considered. A measure to reduce the level of vibration and re-radiated noise inside the building has been studied, which consists in a continuous “floating slab-track” system, for which different values of the elastic mat stiffness under the slab have been considered. It has been found that the effectiveness of this measure comes from a positive combination of two essential factors: the frequency content of the response and the cutoff frequency assigned to each solution adopted. Practical significance: A comprehensive methodology for determining ground vibration and re-radiated noise caused by railway traffic is presented. The dependence is obtained, that the efficiency of reduction of vibration level and re-radiated noise inside the building, will be higher, if the solution with low cutoff frequency is applied and the response has the most significant frequency content at high frequencies.

Vibration, re-radiated noise, acoustic model, protection against re-radiated noise and vibration, stiffness of the elastic mat under the slab
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