UDK 004.021 Алгоритмы
Purpose: To investigate the dependence of the maximum power of codes on the number of digits and the minimum code distance; to find an approach to determine the optimal rules for constructing the check vector of a separable code from the point of view of ensuring minimal redundancy with a given reliability of message transmission. Methods: Computer simulation has been used to conduct experimental studies. For theoretical studies, the method of analytical review, graph theory, and coding theory have been applied. Results: Theoretical and experimental studies have obtained certain specific cases of power distribution for code alphabets with a given Hamming distance for various constant lengths, generated using the previously described algorithm. A method for doubling the power of arbitrary binary codes is proposed and described, as well as a method for obtaining codes with the least redundancy of powers M=2f, where f is a natural number for a predetermined minimum code distance by recursively using the method proposed in the article. Practical significance: An algorithm has been developed for doubling the power of the code alphabet while maintaining the required reliability of data transmission. A technique for analyzing the resulting matrices of code vectors is obtained in order to determine the rules for calculating check bits without using cyclic algorithms.
Anti-jamming coding, least redundant codes, code alphabet, code word, Hamming distance, separable codes
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